Unexpected events affect Babe Ruth League participants and their families from time to time, and the road to recovery can be long and difficult. Baseball and softball are about teamwork, and it can take team by team, fan by fan, and neighbor by neighbor to help our fellow Babe Ruth Leaguers through crisis situations.
Since its inception, the Babe Ruth League Alumni Association has been there to support leagues in need.
When the flooding of the Black River caused extensive damage near Pocahontas, Arkansas, the Alumni Association was there to assist the City of Pocahontas Babe Ruth League. When a tornado ripped through Petal, Mississippi, the Alumni provided financial support to the Petal Babe Ruth League. When the Idaho Falls Babe Ruth League was robbed of thousands of dollars of equipment used by 650 participants, the Alumni Association gave a donation. We are here for the communities who suffered devastation wrought by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. And just recently, we were honored to help the San Benito, California Babe Ruth League, who fell victim to arson fire that destroyed a tool shed, damaged bleachers and a light standard, and which caused them to cancel their Fall Ball Season.
In times of misfortune, children are the most affected. In order to provide comfort to Babe Ruth League participants that face such adversity, we need to make sure they can continue to participate in baseball and softball as a way to restore some type of normalcy.
The Alumni Association is extremely grateful for the many dedicated volunteers who help Babe Ruth League provide a wholesome and educational outlet for today’s youth. In order to remain Babe Ruth League Strong, we need your help in raising funds so that the Alumni Association can continue to provide financial assistance and support to those league programs in need. We encourage you to make a tax-deductible donation to the Alumni Association by clicking here to make an online donation or by mailing a check to the Babe Ruth League Alumni Association, c/o Theresa Cleary, 1670 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road, Hamilton, NJ 08619.
Whether you can give a little or a lot, every donation is just as important and appreciated by the Alumni Association. You see, SMALL donations add up to BIG differences in the life of a child.
Thank you for your consideration!
