Our Mission
The purpose of the Alumni Association is to advance the general welfare of Babe Ruth League, Inc. and to support the needs and mission of Babe Ruth League, Inc. through engaging alumni, friends and partners of Babe Ruth League, Inc.
We aim to help youth prepare to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood, as well as encourage their drive for personal excellence and achievement. Through special programs, activities, campaigns, scholarships and much more, the Alumni and Friends can help Babe Ruth League achieve these most important goals.

Our Vision
The Babe Ruth League Alumni Association aspires to promote a sense of pride, excitement and loyalty among alumni, while furthering, through action and communication, the ongoing mission of the Babe Ruth League Program.
The Babe Ruth Baseball/Softball program, using regulation competitive baseball and softball rules, teaches skills, mental and physical development, a respect for the rules of the game, and basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. In all aspects, Babe Ruth League, Inc. is committed to providing its participants with the very best educational, sports experience possible. It is their fundamental belief that every child with a desire to play baseball or softball be afforded that opportunity.
Strategic Approach:
- An alumni body supportive of Cal Ripken Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, Babe Ruth Softball, and Buddy Ball.
- Pride in commitment to the future that we are creating together as an exemplary youth sports educational organization and an alumni community, while honoring our history, traditions and achievements.
- Supporting Babe Ruth League to improve the lives of all youth through proper guidance, inspired leadership and valuable life lessons.
- Integrity and ethical behavior in all of our interactions.
- Strong commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas by recognizing and valuing differences, as well as seeking alternative perspectives and inclusiveness in all that we do.
- Developing alumni contributions of volunteer and financial support and directing alumni gifts to the various needs of the Babe Ruth League program and its leagues, teams and participants.
- Continuing improvement and the pursuit of excellence through agility and responsiveness to the changing needs of the Babe Ruth League program and the needs of its participants.
