The International Board of Directors has approved the following rule changes, effective for the 2025 and 2026 seasons:

2025 Season – Cal Ripken Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball (13-16 and 16-18 Divisions)

  1. Rule 11.03 Note - Clarification on Player Eligibility - Amendment: Delete "manager or coach.” At no time is it permissible for a player to appear on more than one

    “active/participating” tournament team roster in the same year.

    2025 Season – Babe Ruth Baseball (13-16 and 16-18 Divisions)

  2. Rule 6.10(h) – Clarification - The Designated Hitter may be used on defense while continuing to bat in the same position in the batting order. However, the pitcher must bat in place of the substituted defensive player unless additional substitutions are made, in which case the manager must designate their spots in the batting order.

2025 Season - Babe Ruth Softball

  1. Rule 11.05, Number 4 - Tournament Game Length.

    • All 14U, 16U, and 18U tournament games shall consist of seven (7) innings, unless the home team leads at the end of 6½ innings.

    • All 12U, 10U, 8U, and 6U tournament games shall consist of six (6) innings, unless the home team leads at the end of 5½ innings.

    • Timing Rule: No new inning shall begin after 1 hour and 30 minutes. The official game time starts immediately after the pregame plate conference.

  2. Rule 11.05, Number 17 - If the score is tied at the end of regulation play (six innings; 12u, 10u, 8u, 6u, or seven innings 14u, 16u, 18u,) teams will continue play in extra innings until a winner is determined. At the start of each extra inning, a runner is placed on second base. The runner will be the last recorded batted out of the previous inning. A substitute runner may be used in accordance with substitution rules.

  3. Clarification - A COURTESY RUNNER – The pitcher and catcher may have a courtesy runner every time they reach base. The courtesy runner can be any player who is currently not in the lineup. Courtesy running does not count toward the substitution count of either player.

    2026 Season - Babe Ruth Softball (All Softball Divisions)

  4. Rule 0.02, Paragraph 2 - Age Determination Date.

  • Clarification: A player's age as of August 31, 2025, determines eligibility for the 2026 season. Eligible players: At least 4 years old and no older than 18 years old as of August 31, 2025.

    Breakdown by Division:

    • 12U: Players who are 12 or younger as of August 31, 2025.

    • 16U: Players who are 16 or younger as of August 31, 2025.

    • 18U: Players who are 18 or younger as of August 31, 2025.