March 2019 Batter-Up
March Batter-Up
The official start of the 2019 season is right around the corner as most leagues hold their Opening Day Ceremonies during the month of April. As it has been the tradition for decades, the torch will again be passed and life-long memories will continue to be made for the next generation of Babe Ruth Leaguers.
Know Your Mission: The Key to Consistent and Confident Performance
Knowing why you play baseball is vital to your success as a player and teammate. The “why” behind your daily actions is your mission. Read More>
Eat The Elephant
A question I will often pose to my fastpitch softball students is “How do you eat an elephant?” Regardless of age, the first time they hear it they tend to look at me as if I have completely lost my mind. The correct answer, of course, is “One bite at a time.” That’s a critical lesson for anyone trying to learn a new skill, or even make improvements to existing skills. Read More>
The New Coach
You may have been a coach for many years, but to this team, you’re the “new coach.” They could have just started playing the game, or perhaps they’re now old enough to start your program. Either way, they are sizing you up the same way you’re sizing them up. Getting players on your team to respect you as their new coach takes work, but these tips will make it easier. Read More>
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