Called by everyone as Pete, Lawrence Moser was the director of recreation for the city of Kalamazoo for 43 years and a lifetime devotee of sandlot baseball for that city. He graduated from Western in 1924 and immediately went to work as the recreation director till his retirement in 1967. He played semi-pro baseball in southern Michigan and Canada, served as president of the U.S. Baseball Commission, and president of the Michigan Recreational Committee.
During his 18 years of International Board membership with Babe Ruth Baseball he held many positions including two terms as President and Chairman of the Board. His contributions are capsulated by a statement from Richard W. Case, then President of Babe Ruth Baseball, "Pete was selected for the Hall of Fame because of his significant contributions through dedication, devotion, and effort to the success and furtherance of the aims and purposes of Babe Ruth Baseball".
Mr. Lawrence "Pete" Moser was inducted into the Babe Ruth Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974.