HAMILTON, NJ…Since the early 1970’s, Babe Ruth League has been headquartered in a 4,020 square foot building located on a small neighborhood street in Trenton, New Jersey. The program has been growing and evolving rapidly over the past decade. So much that even with the many renovations made to the current Headquarters building, the organization has outgrown its present location. Due to such circumstances and based on the direction of the Board of Directors, it was decided to relocate the main Headquarters.
At long last, the hopes for a new Headquarters have become a reality. On December 9, 2014, the BRL Executive Staff officially purchased a new home for the youth baseball and softball program that has been providing the very best educational, sports experience for youth aged 4-18 since 1951.

BRL President/CEO Steven Tellefsen said, “We are so excited that we have found an ideal location in Hamilton Township, the birthplace of the Babe Ruth program, for our new Headquarters. We also selected this site as the building is much larger than our current Headquarters, which will allow us to better service our leagues and participants.”
The new facility is nearly triple the size of the League’s old Headquarters, allowing space for a Hall of Fame/Museum area, Board/Conference room; Mailroom/Print Center; and storage and receiving. The building will have a contemporary flair making it inviting and welcoming for people of all ages.
Sincere appreciation is expressed to the Board of Directors and the volunteer Commissioners who helped make this aspiration a reality.
Babe Ruth League has contracted a builder to assist with renovations at the new Headquarters. If all goes as planned, Babe Ruth League will move into its new permanent home within the next year. In the meanwhile, Babe Ruth League will continue to occupy its current location at 1770 Brunswick Pike in Trenton, New Jersey.