
HAMILTON TOWNSHIP, NJ…Babe Ruth League, Inc. International Headquarters has announced that the 2016 Babe Ruth 13-Year-Old World Series will be hosted by Ottumwa, Iowa.
Hosting a Babe Ruth League World Series provides the host community and surrounding areas with direct economic activity. In addition, it serves as gateway experiences for many first time visitors, inspiring large numbers to make plans for subsequent trips and vacations to the area and region.
Since the late 1800s, various levels of baseball have been played in Ottumwa. Ottumwa has a long standing tradition of baseball. The Ottumwa Babe Ruth League has been a chartered member of Babe Ruth League, Inc. since 1952.
In making the announcement BRL Vice President/Commissioner Robert Faherty said, “We are honored to be going to Ottumwa with the 2016 Babe Ruth 13-Year-Old World Series. I was not only impressed with their community, but was also amazed by their commitment to youth. In awarding a World Series, the main factors we consider are the facility, the Headquarters Hotel, and community support. We also look for areas that in addition to offering a competitive athletic experience, can also offer a diverse cultural and educational experience. Ottumwa has all of these elements and more. The 2016 Babe Ruth 13-Year-Old World Series will be a fun and memorable time for all.”
The World Series will take place in the middle of August and will consist of 9 teams from around the country and a local Ottumwa team. These teams will travel to Ottumwa with their families and stay for the length of the tournament, which is nine days. Ottumwa Youth Baseball has partnered with many leaders from the community to bring this great event here...Cargil of Ottumwa...John Deere...South Ottumwa Savings Bank ...Cargil of Eddyville...and the city of Ottumwa.
“We will be looking at a $200,000 to $250,000 budget to be able make this tournament happen in Ottumwa,” said Joe Schulz, Ottumwa Youth Baseball League President. Today kicks off the capital campaign for this 2016 event. There will be the opportunity to give to the event at every level.
Schulz went on to explain that approximately half of the estimated budget would be used to make facility improvements to accommodate the World Series and the other half would be utilized for hosting costs including travel, vehicles, hotel rooms and fees associated with the tournament.
Schulz went on to say “We are thrilled to have been chosen to host this exciting event. This is a wonderful opportunity for the city of Ottumwa. We want to host an event centered around the World Series. Our goal will be to have an event every evening so that everyone visiting Ottumwa can experience the wonderful opportunities this city has to offer.”
Babe Ruth League, Inc. is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to developing better citizens by providing properly supervised baseball and softball competition for 4 through 18-year-old players. It is the basic intent of Babe Ruth League that every player who has a desire to play the sport is given the opportunity to participate and have fun.