Terry Evans

Babe Ruth League President/CEO Steve Tellefsen said, "Terry has been involved in Babe Ruth League, Inc. for over 30 years.  He is a dedicated volunteer and has played a major role in the success of the program on all levels."

Evans started in the Babe Ruth program in 1976 as a team manager.  He served as a local League President from 1978-1982 until becoming a District and Assistant State Commissioner.  In 1987, Evans was elected State Commissioner for Iowa, a position he held until 2005.   

 Evans' personal integrity, sense of sportsmanship and genuine sociability have positively influenced many youth within the state of Iowa over the years.   His devotion to the Babe Ruth program in the state of Iowa and throughout the Midwest Plains Region has resulted in many more kids enjoying the great games of baseball and softball.  Throughout the years, he has been able to develop personal relationships with other people from the Plains states that enjoy the same common denominator, the Babe Ruth program.  These relationships allowed Iowa to showcase its leagues through the Midwest Plains regional tournaments.