Norman R. Messier

Mr. Messier first became involved in Babe Ruth Baseball in 1972 when he started officiating at the regional tournament level. He went on to serve as Assistant State Commissioner and State Commissioner for Cal Ripken, 13-18 baseball and softball. In addition, he also served as Assistant Regional Commissioner for New England Babe Ruth Baseball and New England Softball Regional Commissioner.
In 2006, he was elected a Baseball Regional Commissioner for the New England Region and an automatic member of the Babe Ruth League Board of Directors.
Norm has been serving on a World Series task force since 2000.
He has a Masters degree in education and taught middle and then high school as well as coached high school basketball, soccer and baseball. He retired as School Superintendent and is currently employed as an Educational Consultant in Special Education and as Town Moderator and Lister (assessor). Norm and his wife Laura have three adult children and four grandchildren.