Thank you for your interest in affiliating with Babe Ruth League, Inc.!

Please complete the short form below to request a Babe Ruth Local League Guide (Inquiry Kit) for your organization. Required fields are shaded in red. As always, if you would like to speak with someone in person, call Babe Ruth League International at 800-880-3142. We look forward to working with you to bring Cal Ripken Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball and Babe Ruth Softball to your community!



Street Address



Zip Code


How can we phone you?

Daytime Phone

Evening Phone

Your local baseball/softball organization name

Your title or position in the local baseball/softball organization

Is your existing baseball/softball organization affiliated with any national or regional organization? (required)

Which programs apply to your organization

How many teams are in your current program?

What benefits offered by Babe Ruth League, Inc. are most attractive to your organization? (Check all that apply)

What additional benefits could Babe Ruth League offer that would make your organization more likely to affiliate?

Please list any questions you have about becoming affiliated with Babe Ruth League, Inc.

What is your opinion of the chance that your community might affiliate with Babe Ruth League, Inc. for the next regular season?

Do you think your community's decision to possibly affiliate with Babe Ruth League might be more likely if a District/State Commissioner visits your area for a presentation?

Has a Babe Ruth District/State Commissioner visited/telephoned you or a member of your organization recently?

Do you have any other questions or comments?