Photo - Courtesy of Babe Ruth League, Inc. BULLPEN Newspaper. 1968 World Series - Players and coaches on the New Orleans team pull for their teammates during a tight contest. Manager Firmin Simms on the dugout steps in the background. One of the coaches for the Louisiana team, Monk Malazzo, is third from the left.
Photo Courtesy of Babe Ruth League, Inc. BULLPEN Newspaper. 1985—Newtons Revisited—Former football player Ed Scott (center) was a 17-year-old New Orleans Babe Ruth team member who participated in the 1978 Babe Ruth Baseball 16-18 World Series in Lawrenceville, Tennessee. He stayed with the Newton family and became such good friends with his Host Family that he returned several times.
Despite great success with the Grambling University and L.A. Express (USFL) football teams, the Newtons reported that Scott was as quiet and humble as the young man they first met in 1978. He is pictured with the Newton’s children, Eric and Tracy.
Photo Courtesy of Babe Ruth League, Inc. BULLPEN Newspaper. Memories from 1970. Seeing Triple —Dave, John, and Paul Tewhill, 15-year-old triplets from Northampton, Massachusetts, pictured with manager Joe McGrath.
To this day, triplets are unique in Babe Ruth League. Joe McGrath was one of the founders of the Northampton Babe Ruth League and never could be blamed if he occasionally confused the three Tewhill triplets.