As we gear up to hit the fields and play the game that all of us love once again, please be mindful that for our leagues that obtain their Accident and Liability insurance with us through K&K Insurance that your insurance will expire on January 31, 2022.
As always, and in an effort to keep your costs down until you are able to hold your registrations and know your exact team counts, we recommend that you Charter/Insure just one (1) Major team for each of the division(s) that your league will Charter (i.e. For Cal Ripken Baseball, you would want to Charter one (1) Cal Ripken Major 60’ team or one (1) Cal Ripken Major 70’ team; for Babe Ruth Baseball, you would want to Charter one (1) 13-15 team (and one (1) 16-18 team IF your league has that age division as well); for Babe Ruth Softball, you would want to Charter (one) 1 Softball 12U team (and one (1) Softball 16U team and one (1) Softball 18U team IF your league has those age divisions as well) in order to secure your insurance Effective Date and then, once you hold your registrations, you can add any additional teams at that time. The benefit to this is not only giving you an opportunity to not have a major out-of-pocket expense upfront, but it also provides you with the peace of mind that any additional teams that you add once you hold your registrations will still enjoy your original insurance Effective Date, as your insurance coverage for any additional teams will always revert back to when you first purchased your insurance for the one (1) Major team in each of your league’s age divisions.
If your league will have a new League President for the 2022 Season, we’d like to assist you with a smooth transition. Contact our office prior to working on your 2022 season charter and we’ll make the necessary changes in our system and provide your new League President with their own personal log-in information, and instructions on how to successfully charter.
Looking forward to another brand new season with new friendships to be made, as well as memories that will last a lifetime.
(Contact our office link to BRL Contact: