Grace Paglione of Ewing, New Jersey, has been elected into the Babe Ruth League International Hall of Fame.
Grace began her professional career with Babe Ruth League, Inc. in November of 1980, working as an Assistant to the late BRL Vice President Jeanne B. Layton. Working with Jeanne, she gained a vast knowledge of the Babe Ruth League program and its administration.
A few years later Grace assumed a new role, assisting with the promotional products and materials offered to affiliated league programs. In this position, Grace typically had managerial tasks that included reviewing, verifying, and processing purchase requisitions, maintaining records and files related to purchasing activities, assisting with equipment, supply, and inventory management, and providing additional assistance to the Executive Staff.
In 1990, Grace was asked to serve as one of the Babe Ruth Headquarters Service Representatives, a position she gladly accepted and held until her retirement in 2020. As a Service Representative, she worked directly with the leagues, commissioners, and all other volunteers, providing them with the best information, resources, and services available. Her dedication as a Service Representative has enabled Babe Ruth League to maintain its recognition and respect as one of the most successful youth baseball and softball sports organizations.
“Thank you for this unexpected honor. It has been such a pleasure to work for Babe Ruth League,” Grace indicated. “I miss the daily contact with our wonderful staff, the dedicated volunteers, commissioners, and the Board of Directors. Babe Ruth League, and the wonderful people it embodies. They will always hold a special place in my heart.”
Throughout her career, Grace Paglione has demonstrated integrity and an enduring commitment to Babe Ruth League, Inc. Her 40 years of employment with Babe Ruth League, Inc. assisted the organization in enriching the lives of thousands of children worldwide. The value of her contributions to the program is immeasurable, her character unsullied, and her merit without question.