There sare several publications, print and electronic, to keep Alumni Association members updated on all things Babe Ruth League. 
DIAMOND LEGACY Diamond Legacy, the Alumni Association's e-newsletter is emailed quarterly and keeps members updated on Alumni Association news, events and other Babe Ruth League happenings. In each issue, you receive a Message from Alumni Chairman Mark Watkins. In addition, there are many articles on alumni and graduates, fun facts and special stories about Babe Ruth leagues, volunteers and participants. You will also enjoy a set of challenging brain teasers. More than 600,000 alumni and friends receive this publication, delivered conveniently every quarter to their email inboxes.
BATTER-UP Batter-Up is the official e-newsletter of Babe Ruth League, Inc. The publication is emailed once a month to everyone involved with Babe Ruth League. Engage in current events. Read news about leagues, teams and participants.