When you make a gift to the Babe Ruth League Alumni Association, you do something powerful - you pave the way to endless possibilities for our participants.  Babe Ruth Baseball and Softball have been family traditions for over 67 years.  Entire neighborhoods gather at the ballpark on warm summer evenings, where kids ride bikes, families cheer from the stands, and the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers waft over postgame parties.  Parents, relatives and neighbors serve as coaches, umpires, work in concession stands and in other volunteer positions.  It is a sense of community and a prominent part of the growth process for children.

LittleSBPlayerBabe Ruth League has always been an organization with a mission to teach valuable life lessons, providing an endless procession of teachable moments.  Kids learn about teamwork, sportsmanship and leadership. They learn to work together to accomplish a goal and learn from their mistakes. These valuable life lessons can enhance life well after childhood, from home life to education to work to relationships. Millions of kids have benefitted from participating in Babe Ruth League, and the program has truly become a place of hope and opportunity for all young people.

One of the main purposes of the Alumni Association is to support the mission of Babe Ruth League, Inc. The program has been around for generations and through the support of the Alumni, we will make sure it is around for many generations to come.

So where do your charitable contributions go.  

    • The Babe Ruth Alumni Association is a separate group dedicated to supporting the welfare of the Babe Ruth League program.

    • The Babe Ruth Alumni Association is strictly a volunteer-driven, non-profit 501(c) (3) Organization. 

    • All charitable donations go to where the need is greatest - for example, to support players, teams and leagues that otherwise would be unable to participate because of lack of funding or due to catastrophic loss; to support special initiatives, programs and projects that advance the general wellbeing of youth; to donor-designated causes, such as scholarships/endowments, to honor or remember an individual, or to support a specific individual, team or league, etc.

    • Contributions are never used to pay salaries or for the day-to-day operations of Babe Ruth League.  

As you can see, an investment in the Babe Ruth League Alumni Association will be put to efficient and effective use. And you won't be just donating funds, you will be donating life-changing lessons and memories to a child.

The Babe Ruth League Alumni Association is a nonprofit 501(c)3 Organization. Whenever you give a donation to the Alumni Association, you will be able to make a tax deduction to the extent allowd by the law. Donating to the Babe Ruth League Alumni Association can help you make a difference and help you achieve tax benefits at the same time.